The world of SEO could be complex for the ones who aren’t familiar with it. You might be following tags, working on URL length and more, and just when you think you are master in it, Google announces a new set of rules. But polishing your knowledge with Google updates can bring effective results. The more SEO optimized your site and pages are, the higher is the probability that Google will suggest your pages to the audience searching for similar products you offer.
SEO consists of abundant little things. And for large eCommerce stores, it would be impractical to implement all the great SEO rules in just one go. We suggest you begin with the product page with maximum conversions. You can find the detailed analytic report in the Google Analytics Account. Following the simple baby steps, an eCommerce entrepreneur can implement SEO without investing much or incredible technological knowledge.
1. Link Building
The process of increasing the no. of links from renowned sources indicating to your URL is called link building, also known as referral link or backlinks. Link building ranks #1 factor that Google gives attention to, when selecting the results to exhibit. So, to improve your SEO standing, link building should be taken seriously.
- Focus on quality links instead of quantity.
- Be aware of vague information.
It’s a wrong belief that social media posts affect the site’s Google ranking. However, Google does not acknowledge social media posts to evaluate the site’s ranking on its search engine. One of the obvious reasons is that Google does not crawl and index social media content.
2. Understand the importance of unique content.
Even though your online content is meant for a human audience, it must still meet the needs of search engines.
Product Description:
It has been observed that online clothing and gift stores suffer from a lack of product description. The incomplete or zero text description of the product can minimize the product page’s chances to appear in the Google top 10 search list. So, be sure to add a unique product description to each product to boost your product page’s chances for higher search engine ranking.
- Write quality descriptive content.
- Strictly avoid duplicate content.
- Test description word count that helps in conversions.
- The product description text should be framed in a manner that focuses on increasing sales.
3. Optimize your website content for search engines.
Apart from the product description, the words or text you use on different pages of your site have importance.
- H1 should consist your Keywords.
- Use the long-tailed keyword in H2 (sub-header).
- Long content can give great results.
- Lengthy product descriptions should be avoided.
We suggest you maintain blogs and use your industry related keywords to rank higher. Google also loves pages with lengthy content.
4. Google looks at the images & videos too!
Optimize your images and allow Google to understand your video.
Read Also: How to add Product Video in Magento 2?
- For the best results, be sure to accurately name the image files.
- Do not forget to add alt tags to the images. If the image isn’t getting displayed due to any reason, a small text will appear in the place of the image. This will be beneficial as the user will get the idea of what exactly you wanted to show them.
- Product Video is important for eCommerce sites. A study reveals that product video has a huge impact on shoppers buying decisions. That’s why it is important to do SEO for product videos as well.
5. Use Metadata: tell Google about your offerings.
- Metadata is the short description shown below the title in Google searches. The meta data should describe the complete content.
- Title tags or the title of the product are clickable headlines, displayed on SERPs, browsers, and social media. It is wise to use your keywords and write a descriptive title.
- The title and metadata are important tools to persuade your customer to click your link.
- If your store is built on Shopify, Woocommerce or Magento, it is very easy to implement the SEO elements.
Also Read: The Ultimate Magento 2 Installation Tutorial
6. Know your errors & fix them.
Is your store mobile-friendly?
If not, you need to make your store mobile responsive as soon as possible. In the world of smartphones, if you aren’t using a mobile-friendly interface, you are losing more than half your prospects.
Are you struggling with slow site speed?
If yes, we suggest you improve your site’s speed to reduce the bounce rates. You can check the site’s load time via Google Page Speed Insights Tool.
Use smart tricks for temporarily unavailable or ‘Out of Stock’ products.
- Display the product planned arrival date.
- Create a ‘ Get notification’ tab to notify when the product comes in stock.
- Show similar products.
- Option to preorder.
Work with Planet Web Solution to boost your eCommerce SEO
Every site wishes to list in top 10 but only 10 out of lacks gets this opportunity.
You can’t rest on your #1 ranking because the site at #2 ranking isn’t resting. #2 site is still improving!
Our team can conduct a comprehensive SEO audit to evaluate the improvement areas and things you are doing right.
To explore your eCommerce store’s SEO opportunities, feel free to consult our eCommerce SEO experts.