SSL Implementation in Magento

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The responsibility of running an E-Commerce business entails time, investments and immense security. Though Magento is a secure e-commerce platform, protection from malware and other possible threats is of utmost important if you want to grow your business online. Because the moment your customer feels his data is not protected, he will never return to your website.

To avoid this, it is important to implement Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to your website. SSL Implementation is an important upgrade to your Magento website as it encodes communication exchanged between server and browsers and make sure all the data goes through a secure (HTTPS) connection. Implementing SSL will provide additional security to users while signing up, making an online payment and another process during where personal information is provided. SSL will encrypt any sensitive data and protect it from malware activity.

SSL-encrypted HTTPS connections let only the server and client know the communicated information. Hence, SSL implementation improves your business credibility because once your customers see that his data is well protected on your website, they will gain trust in your business, hence bringing in more revenue for you.

However, let’s take a break down in the process of Magento SSL implementation before taking any decision.


The biggest advantage of SSL is to conceal the data from third-party while communicating the data from a website. However, there are other benefits of SSL which are as follows:

Consistency & Credibility: Trust and customer loyalty is everything when it comes to running a successful business. The credibility of your business depends on how much a customer can trust in sharing his financial data on your website, and how confidently they order from your website. Implementing Magento SSL on your website will not only relieve you of security problems but will also win consistency of customers to your website. The green security lock on your website indicates you take the security of your customers very seriously. It helps to build the confidence of the customer on your E-Commerce business. Customers who know what a green padlock is will appreciate your website more for having implemented a Magento SSL to secure their data.

Identity Verification: Magento SSL ensures and verifies the identity of the visitors on your website. Safety guarantee of SSL is to communicate the important and sensitive data shared by the users goes directly to the targeted destination / domain without any hassle or obstructions. This step is very important while running an online E-Commerce business.

Google & SEO Competence: Ideally, search engines like Google encourages and offers only safe websites to browsers as it hugely affects its credibility and dominance. That is why SSL implementation is termed to be a crucial tool to consider. The capability of SEO relies directly or indirectly on how secure a Magento website is. Any unsecured website will have to compromise on being placed at the bottom or even banned by Google or other search engines. In other words, without Magento SSL implementation, any E-Commerce website will not be able to position on the top list of a search engine, and hence will lose customers.

Data Integrity: Any data when sent in a clear form is under the threat of third party intervention. Without the proper protection of SSL, there is all the possibility that in-between the passing of data from the browser to the server, some hacker may try to read and temper the information. Even worse, the browser would never know that his data is being altered. SSL integrates this unwanted exercise and makes it safe to browse as it’s difficult for hackers and the third party to pull-off the secured data.

Things to take care of while installing SSL

Caching Issues: By implementing SSL connections, the total content is encrypted, even the packet header. This adds complexity to private caching efforts as well. The encrypted data will not be cached, which means that any proxy caching is blocked automatically. Even ISPs will be able to cache the encrypted data. However, whether this is really an issue will depend on individual requirement. Testing will be required to bring about the solution to this. To replace caching you need to have a content distribution network that can handle the encryption before it gets to the caching server, which works perfectly with SSL.

Mixed Modes: While browsing the internet, a user might get a pop-up warning while browsing a particular website that is apparently using SSL server that he is venturing an insured content. This warning indicates that the website is trying to load data or content from other sites that are not encrypted. The browser warns the user when a site is not secure and will pop up a warning. However, the warning may be a distraction for a user to browse the website further. This may even make an impact on the website as users may not visit the website due to safety issues. Therefore, it is important to check whether your ad network is sending any third-party unencrypted content or not. This can also be confusing to some browser.

SSL Certification: For any website to implement SSL means paying a price as it is necessary to buy SSL certification. The cost of the certificate varies on how many domains or subdomains the certificate will cover as well as the level of identification. Although, it is possible to get free SSL certificate but technically, it is recommended to get a certified and trusted SSL. But, considering the level of security it offers, the cost of SSL certificate would not be exorbitant for websites.

In the end, there are a few things you need to take care of before setting up SSL. However, not every site requires this level of protection but when it comes to E-Commerce websites, SSL implementation works as a silent player in making your online business successful. So, before setting up Magento SSL on your E-Commerce website, do take a look into the above aspects to help you make the right decision.

About PWS

Planet Web Solutions is a leading Ecommerce Website Development company, with a far-reaching and in-depth knowledge and experience in developing Magento Stores for all types of businesses. Our team of skilled and talented Magento developers are technically sound to help in satisfying your requirement.

Our Magento hosting E-Commerce Plans are specially optimized to provide fast and secure hosting environment to support all Magento features. PWS is at par in meeting up with all these services that are beneficial for the security of business and digital platforms. Contact us to convert your vision and ideas into a successful business!

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